Friday, September 28, 2007

An apology to Quentin

Dear Quentin,

I apologise. I am sorry that i brought a stupid thought in my mind. And i lived with that thought for almost 2 years now. That I thought the "inspired" Kaante is a better entertainer than the original Reservoir Dogs, makes me want to kick my self now. Why did I thought of such a stupid thing. What the hell i was thinking?

One excuse i can give is the dvd which i got 2 yrs back of Reservoir Dogs was not a good print. The dialogues were not at all clear. Now how can you watch a Quentin movie without understanding the dialogues. That is an absolute crime. And i am guilty of that. My new thought is that the "great" movie Kaante from the "genius copycat" Sanjay Gupta is not even a 1% of your absolute beauty Reservoir Dogs. Holy Christ!!!! What a movie. I just dont have enough words to describe how amazing the movie was. Ohh the Dialogues. The F Word coming in every line more than once. The cast. You can't get better. All are brilliant in their respective characters but the ones stood out for me were Michael Madsen(Mr. Blond), Harvey Keitel(Mr. White) and Steve Buscemi(Mr. Pink). Sanjay Dutt is no where, i guarren-damn-tee you no where near Michael. Shit the guy is good. And Cool. Wow!!! I wont compare Amitji with Harvey but both were a treat to watch in their roles. And dude Mahesh, sorry to say but your antics does not come any closer to the Great Buscemi.

Ahh and the music. The 70s music. Quentin's movies always has a score which you will remember even after the movie is over. The songs playing in back while the movie is going on. Cant describe how great they felt. Just another Wow.

Quentin, again I sincerely apologise for my grave mistake in considering the inspired Sanjay Gupta better than you. I hope you will forgive me some day.

Yours sincerely
A Fan

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